* Abstract submission deadline 28th February 2023
* Early Bird registration ends 15th May 2023

Think about combining your Congress experience with the World Climbing Championships
In 2023, not only will the World Climbing Championships take place in Bern, Switzerland (August 1-12), but also the sixth IRCRA Congress (August 7-10). Besides keynotes on all facets of climbing, your contributions are also very welcome - a template for an abstract can already be found on the congress homepage, to be submitted in February 2023.
Have you recently developed a new measurement method / training device or want to demonstrate your research? Our venue will be the big gym of the Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern, which also features a climbing wall which we want to actively incorporate into our program - If you would like to make use of this unique presentation opportunity, please contact us at climbing@ethz.ch.
Or would you like to do some research yourself during the World Climbing Championships? We are currently designing the hands-on science program for the World Championships (8,000 climbing enthusiasts are expected on the final days). If you have any ideas for the program or are willing to volunteer, please also contact us at climbing@ethz.ch.
On behalf of the organizers,
Vanesa España Romero, University of Cádiz
Pierre Legreneur, University of Lyon
Taylor Reed, Beta Angel Project
Lisa Reissner, Balgrist University Hospital
Xavier Sanchez, University of Orléans
Ludovic Seifert, University of Rouen
Peter Wolf, ETH Zurich
Daniel Erlacher, University of Bern
Ralf Kredel, University of Bern
Andreas Schweizer, Balgrist University Hospital